Monday, April 30, 2012

Blog Entry #11

The video is called the Meatrix and it tells of how factory farm really works and how bad it can be to the people. It explains from the first where how farm are not what they are and showing how farms really are smelly, hazardous it can be. On the next scene tells of how chemicals are being placed on cows, their young separated from their mothers then feed with milk including blood from their own kind. On to the next part shows of factory’s being prosed of the meat but shows how unsanitary it is such as excrement on the meat workers cutting themselves causing even more deadly symptoms to the consumer and the workers.  

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Blog Entry #10

When being helped by today from one of the tutors it was actually very helpful. It really did help improving my writing skills more as well showing me my mistakes. Even explaining how to do in a better way to give it more sense and to give out more detail in the work it has to be. As such iot was a really good expierence to have today.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blog Entry # 9

After reading the passage I would agree on how reality can be. From the way people see in their mind to trying to believe if all of this is nothing more than a dream. Even some believe like a most few that it was created for them and nothing is real just an illusion for their own perfect world. Some try to act as to find out what is the truth and if there is one how will it be to face it.
I do believe that on Reality is shown to be differently on the views of the people. While at most will go on to agree on how they believe some will say it’s an horrible world to be in and deserves to be executed when the other side say’s theirs still open light that can be shown in there and it is possible to a great world.
The reality as it can be in both ways as it been wrote before such as the part of the paragraph told from Socrates’ `` Reality is portrayed as Dark, Ugly, and Grim”, As to Morpheus told ``Welcome to the desert of the real”. As many will hear and see the reactions of how they said it gives off a grudge how it all resides in the world we all live in.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Blog Entry #8

After watching the movie The Matrix When choosing i would pick the red pill to go further on the hole. My reason is is why should i be locked up in a fake reality all the time i would rather face the truth no matter how bad it has become. To face true reality you must be ready as well be understaning of how the upcome will be once you go threw.To this i would go further and see it for myself and adapt how things are and try to work things out.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

RE CAT practice

It comes to mind that from reading the passage I find it acceptable to understand on how reality shows go through. View after View Show that exactly gives off the same thing over again. Getting views from many people who seen to not care who that person is just finding on the person with the best image;. This is how it goes on people seemed to not even care to who that person is just only finding the best to become the superior one to win .
Nothing more people are now trying to enter on such reality television shows to able to be selected to join in and try to win becoming rich or be famous for just about a short amount of time. From reading the passage ``The Dangers of Reality TV’’ tells of how unhealthy it can become to the contestants as well of how viewers can react when experiencing on most seen on television. Most contestants go way over the top becoming more serious and are a danger to others such as the passage wrote `` Competition is the key to success in a capitalist economy’’. Then theirs image as well a very good example for
The passage ``The Dangers of Reality TV’’ by Timothy Sexton tells us how unhealthy it can be to become the contestants of reality T.V. shows  as well as how viewers can react to what they see on television. Image the word in most realty shows go for the most as such judges or in case voters that has the power in deciding in which contestant can become the winner while the other leaves,  it is then to most times such as voters will prefer the one contestant with a more fascinating image than the other.  As such in competing this is when most players will show their true colors for example when one is already on the top but then lose points and is tied with the second runner up he or she will be at most be different than they used to be earlier such as becoming more frustrating, sweaty, speeding to fast causing mistakes etc.


Claims: Trueman's world is nothing than a fake reality.
Reason: All his life was recorded live for a reality television program.
Evidence: A lamp fell from the sky, thhe elevators were nothing but a back stage area, and the radio was off link to the radio program.