Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blog Entry #14

After reading threw the passage`` Playtime Is Over’’ by David Elkind, it has come to mind that recess to children are now being given less because schools had been over-scheduling and over-programing the children. Something Even more ridiculous is that schools now hire ‘’Recess Coaches” who oversee student’s free time

Children have lost up to 8 hours of their free time for a whole week of unstructured play and outdoor activities only having up to 2 hours of free time in a whole week; the reason is because schools are in favor for more time for classes. it’s considered wrong and no achievement will bring the children’s grade any higher but rather the children’s grades will decreasing for not allowing any recess to let them have free time. In my own childhood recess was the perfect time for all of us children to go out and play or being to socialize with others discussing such things as Pokémon if neither was a good option we can just relax cooling our heads down from all the class work we done, when times up all of us going back to class but we feel more open minded no more feeling distracted as well were more relax

Monday, May 14, 2012

The myth: Plastic bottles are recyclable, and are being made with thinner plastics, making them increasingly ``green’’ I don’t believe any of the bottled water being recycled going green as watched from the video before. All empty bottled water are just being piled up and thrown in to India as well neither could not be incinerated as to the toxic chemicals can release through the air that will be harmful to the environment bring disease. Then comes to down cycling producing poorly made recycled products when the rest are still out there and the rest in which are very few to be recycled

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Blog Entry # 13 Re Cat practice 2

The passage ``Mom,Dad,Buy the Broccoli’’ by the New York Times has completely made it agreeable of how 10 companies has been doing during their commercials have been going out of control selling empty calories to children. As of now they took notice realizing a huge impact this has caused children consuming junk food and trying to cut back on theirs advertisements.
To plan this preventing more harmful causes they’d agreed to cut half on their advertisements on such schools or Children’s entertainment further to limit the use of such cartoons even in movie theaters. Promoting in a healthier way to let them consume healthy foods as well informing children on having a better athletic lifestyles. As a good life experience right now during on rides such as train theirs a new Ad on right not from beverage manufactures on how they’d cut peoples favorite drinks into smaller portions while still having your natural daily lives.
But then comes a time when some spectators believed their only protecting themselves. Such as Michael Jacobson believed that the plan as quoted from the passage ``Pretty Pathetic’’ and he executive is the director for the center for science in the public interest. Meaning the companies are merely attempting to control themselves in order before the higher authorities does it for them in which will bring down on their business and reputation of their company.
Now a program called The Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative are expected into aiding the 10 food and beverage manufacturers. The concern is how well the initiative can help these companies to come up in well-mannered decent and transparent guidelines. Giving them to come up their own individual guidelines is something they must do as to being given six to nine months.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blog Entry #12

Factory farms are not as they are since they say they cared for the animals for processing them to become food for the people.