Monday, June 4, 2012

Project Complete

Ok all here is my project to make again so this food has no name but it has been made by both my godmother and my own mother. Its such a good meal that it will fill the stomach very well.So i went to my local grocery store bought the supplies needed.
Ok here are the ingredients needed as shown in the Photo
1/2 pound of Ham
1- Mozzarella cheese which ever will be best for you low fat or fat free
1- box of spaghetti
1- small tube/box/etc of sour creme which ever seems best for you even low fat/fat free for healthy food style
1/2 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil( note if needed for the process further on)
1/2 of a whole parsley
If you want Bread for me I prefer wheat bread

Tools needed:
Large or medium pot either one if doesn't have one of them useful
Cheese grater
kitchen Knife
small or medium(if you want to used more better for you) pan
Cutting board
a large strainer
3 big spoons(or 2 and a fork)
a regular spoon or a spatula(either one fits better for you)
Ok now that this is done lets start cooking ok first start your stove to medium high heat. Grab your big or medium pot add water to fill do not fill it full let be it up to near about to be fulll. Do not add anything no salt or place you Spaghetti in the pot let the heat made go soft use your own big spoon to lightly push down the spaghetti until all of it in the pot now. place the lid and leave it for now wait until bubbles form alot.Note if its forming to much from the heat use the big spoon and take out some water out of the pot to be safe.

Now next is to our ham grab a cutting board place the 1/2 ound ham and then medium to small dice it as shown.Now you have two choice's to go further either you want to leace like it is and not cook it then stop, here but if you want to then read the rest

Next get a small pan add 1/2 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil(if its not enough just like mine add a little more a little. If its fine for your ok leave it).Time to saute it(it means cook) the diced ham, put half of the whole diced ham when it getting to sizzle add the rest and stir it with a spoon its much better and more helpful. when cooking the ham you can actually decide how much you want it to be cooked for me i finish when their be enough color being shown that its been suate'd so if you want it to be fully cooked or not go ahead its your choice. Do not worry if your boiling your pasta while sauteing your ham this is a quick process to handle if you want to by yourself just do like i said earlier before.  

Then at the same time your pasta is now foaming and bubbling now to see if its read this is what I do by using your big spoon grab a piece of pasta becareful if its too hot let it cool now get it when it dry now and now able to hold it throw it at the wall yes thats right throw it at the wall. As to why i said this is because of how to find out how the pasta is ready this is an old fashion style to be used at. The pasta is ready and strain it with your strainer.Ok now our pasta is ready and out ham is well prepared. set it aside now time for the cheese and parsley.

open your packaged mozzarela cheese grab your cheese grater start grating all of the cheese(becareful the mozzarela is slipperydo no i repeat do not grate very fast do it slowley you will be cut badly).If you cant grate anymore because its too small for you then stop put the grate cheese aside the leftover cheese well store away or eat it don't waste food.The sour cream will be used later on but its already prepared soon.Now time for the parsley grab your clean cutting board and chop the parsley till its fully chopped as it shown in the image.

Preheat your oven to 300 upper heat(ifyou have a oven that heats up and down this is what it means for upper heat) so its ready for the roasting.Now its is time to mix them all together grab a oven proof glass bowl(this is for roasting if you don't have one or don't know what it is go to sears,target,etc ask the worker for an a glass bowl that can be able to be used for an oven). okay place the pasta then the sour cream all of it. Then add half of the grated cheese now with your 2 big spoons revolve your bowl slowley.
 Now add the rest of the cheese next like the same thing add half of the ham revolve again and add the rest and finally add your chopped parsley and again revolve .

Now wipe the edges out and now place your mixed bowl to the preheated oven and leave it there for 25-30 minutes but if your oven heats faster than others then 15-25 minutes just to be safe you will have to watch constanly so it won't be burned ok. buy half of the the time now put on donw heat for it to be fully roasted. when its readr take it out please use you oven mittens don't use your bare hands.and look at your completed meal if its a little burned its ok you will see why this taste good even if theirs a little burned on top.

As you can see how well it was made after doing all the work and finally see the accomplishment made.You have a choice to eat it as pasta or in a sandwich this is where the bread is used for, the sandwich can also be takened if your in a hurry for work just microvae it and there you go. The food taste delicous heck you can change the recipe if no one likes regular cheese pasta etc then used the healthy types ingredients low-fat, fat free go ahead and you can add vegetables to your liking.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blog Entry #14

After reading threw the passage`` Playtime Is Over’’ by David Elkind, it has come to mind that recess to children are now being given less because schools had been over-scheduling and over-programing the children. Something Even more ridiculous is that schools now hire ‘’Recess Coaches” who oversee student’s free time

Children have lost up to 8 hours of their free time for a whole week of unstructured play and outdoor activities only having up to 2 hours of free time in a whole week; the reason is because schools are in favor for more time for classes. it’s considered wrong and no achievement will bring the children’s grade any higher but rather the children’s grades will decreasing for not allowing any recess to let them have free time. In my own childhood recess was the perfect time for all of us children to go out and play or being to socialize with others discussing such things as Pokémon if neither was a good option we can just relax cooling our heads down from all the class work we done, when times up all of us going back to class but we feel more open minded no more feeling distracted as well were more relax

Monday, May 14, 2012

The myth: Plastic bottles are recyclable, and are being made with thinner plastics, making them increasingly ``green’’ I don’t believe any of the bottled water being recycled going green as watched from the video before. All empty bottled water are just being piled up and thrown in to India as well neither could not be incinerated as to the toxic chemicals can release through the air that will be harmful to the environment bring disease. Then comes to down cycling producing poorly made recycled products when the rest are still out there and the rest in which are very few to be recycled

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Blog Entry # 13 Re Cat practice 2

The passage ``Mom,Dad,Buy the Broccoli’’ by the New York Times has completely made it agreeable of how 10 companies has been doing during their commercials have been going out of control selling empty calories to children. As of now they took notice realizing a huge impact this has caused children consuming junk food and trying to cut back on theirs advertisements.
To plan this preventing more harmful causes they’d agreed to cut half on their advertisements on such schools or Children’s entertainment further to limit the use of such cartoons even in movie theaters. Promoting in a healthier way to let them consume healthy foods as well informing children on having a better athletic lifestyles. As a good life experience right now during on rides such as train theirs a new Ad on right not from beverage manufactures on how they’d cut peoples favorite drinks into smaller portions while still having your natural daily lives.
But then comes a time when some spectators believed their only protecting themselves. Such as Michael Jacobson believed that the plan as quoted from the passage ``Pretty Pathetic’’ and he executive is the director for the center for science in the public interest. Meaning the companies are merely attempting to control themselves in order before the higher authorities does it for them in which will bring down on their business and reputation of their company.
Now a program called The Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative are expected into aiding the 10 food and beverage manufacturers. The concern is how well the initiative can help these companies to come up in well-mannered decent and transparent guidelines. Giving them to come up their own individual guidelines is something they must do as to being given six to nine months.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blog Entry #12

Factory farms are not as they are since they say they cared for the animals for processing them to become food for the people.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Blog Entry #11

The video is called the Meatrix and it tells of how factory farm really works and how bad it can be to the people. It explains from the first where how farm are not what they are and showing how farms really are smelly, hazardous it can be. On the next scene tells of how chemicals are being placed on cows, their young separated from their mothers then feed with milk including blood from their own kind. On to the next part shows of factory’s being prosed of the meat but shows how unsanitary it is such as excrement on the meat workers cutting themselves causing even more deadly symptoms to the consumer and the workers.  

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Blog Entry #10

When being helped by today from one of the tutors it was actually very helpful. It really did help improving my writing skills more as well showing me my mistakes. Even explaining how to do in a better way to give it more sense and to give out more detail in the work it has to be. As such iot was a really good expierence to have today.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blog Entry # 9

After reading the passage I would agree on how reality can be. From the way people see in their mind to trying to believe if all of this is nothing more than a dream. Even some believe like a most few that it was created for them and nothing is real just an illusion for their own perfect world. Some try to act as to find out what is the truth and if there is one how will it be to face it.
I do believe that on Reality is shown to be differently on the views of the people. While at most will go on to agree on how they believe some will say it’s an horrible world to be in and deserves to be executed when the other side say’s theirs still open light that can be shown in there and it is possible to a great world.
The reality as it can be in both ways as it been wrote before such as the part of the paragraph told from Socrates’ `` Reality is portrayed as Dark, Ugly, and Grim”, As to Morpheus told ``Welcome to the desert of the real”. As many will hear and see the reactions of how they said it gives off a grudge how it all resides in the world we all live in.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Blog Entry #8

After watching the movie The Matrix When choosing i would pick the red pill to go further on the hole. My reason is is why should i be locked up in a fake reality all the time i would rather face the truth no matter how bad it has become. To face true reality you must be ready as well be understaning of how the upcome will be once you go threw.To this i would go further and see it for myself and adapt how things are and try to work things out.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

RE CAT practice

It comes to mind that from reading the passage I find it acceptable to understand on how reality shows go through. View after View Show that exactly gives off the same thing over again. Getting views from many people who seen to not care who that person is just finding on the person with the best image;. This is how it goes on people seemed to not even care to who that person is just only finding the best to become the superior one to win .
Nothing more people are now trying to enter on such reality television shows to able to be selected to join in and try to win becoming rich or be famous for just about a short amount of time. From reading the passage ``The Dangers of Reality TV’’ tells of how unhealthy it can become to the contestants as well of how viewers can react when experiencing on most seen on television. Most contestants go way over the top becoming more serious and are a danger to others such as the passage wrote `` Competition is the key to success in a capitalist economy’’. Then theirs image as well a very good example for
The passage ``The Dangers of Reality TV’’ by Timothy Sexton tells us how unhealthy it can be to become the contestants of reality T.V. shows  as well as how viewers can react to what they see on television. Image the word in most realty shows go for the most as such judges or in case voters that has the power in deciding in which contestant can become the winner while the other leaves,  it is then to most times such as voters will prefer the one contestant with a more fascinating image than the other.  As such in competing this is when most players will show their true colors for example when one is already on the top but then lose points and is tied with the second runner up he or she will be at most be different than they used to be earlier such as becoming more frustrating, sweaty, speeding to fast causing mistakes etc.


Claims: Trueman's world is nothing than a fake reality.
Reason: All his life was recorded live for a reality television program.
Evidence: A lamp fell from the sky, thhe elevators were nothing but a back stage area, and the radio was off link to the radio program.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Blog entry 6

After watching the truman show when he finally grow up or in this case starting to fully understand he views now. Coming to an understanding that his whole life was nothing but a reality show and soon to accept the truth thus leaving to the real world rather than some fake world. To myself i came to be grown up but as well childesh. To the side of me that is grown is what made me understand in a more proper way on how life goes one in true reality that not all are fun and games and should be takened searously.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blog Entry 5: I know the Truth".

From the passage of "I Know th Truth So don't Bother me With Facts" gives out a meaning of  how life goes on Giving out infromation or Viewing of how things go on. Looking threw all the way finding what seperates from the truth and false lies. We as all other people try to discover ways to move foward looking for the right answer to help with most problems we deal with.
Mostly its the reason as the passage gives out that facts could turn out to bring false because of facts can turn true most of the time btu later on someone will look it over and explain that its in the wrong way and has to be corrected.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Blog Entry #4

Claim:I do beleive knowing the truth is needed reahered than facts that could be lies.
Reason1: because all of the time when facts could be false and could cause mishap.
Reason1:most of the time the truth is the most important ideal to view what truley real.
Theses:its giving that the truth is more important to value.

IT is that i agree from that passage "I know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me with Facts" as its been read of how the daily life goes without any truth

Blog Entry #3 Revised

1. The allegory of the cave is a story explained by Socrates of how one person see’s one thing threw ignorance. There are prisoners chained up and the only thing they see do sounds and shadows believe that is all they see as their reality. When later one was free and taken out of the cave and now sees what is real and the reality he seemed was false. He went back to the others to tell his discovery and the only thing the y think he is lying so they threaten as well tell him to leave to be left alone in their own fake reality.

2. In my view of this world I see that I am in between in and out of the cave as why I’ve said this. In the cave I would in my little world of hearing music, and reading, or watching videos being wanted to be left alone for a little while as well ignoring on what people in which is true or false . But then when I’m out of such cave it would see how reality truly shows. I can see it goes what is really true and away from the lies, even understanding as to respecting on how time goes on.

Blog Entry #2 Revised

llegal Immigrants are great to have in the community but as well it can also be very negative of how many different people will view on this situation. Many suggest can bring an output to the economy in which I can agree it could bring an imbalance to the economy as it goes since some immigrants do not have paid taxes. It should be very helpful to actually provide in a more legal status to give Immigrants as to provide to teach and explain them the ways of what should they do in the economic society such as paying taxes in need of learn a language . It is as most helpful to keep in line of how to look at the other people’s behavior in order it won’t have any casualties as to is need for illegal immigrants to go through on this process.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Blog Entry # 3

1.The allegory of the cave is a story explained by Socrates of how one person see’s one thing threw ignorance. There are prisoners chained up and the only thing they see do sounds and shadows believe that is all they see as their reality. When later one was free and taken out of the cave and now sees what is real and the reality he seemed was false. He went back to the others to tell his discovery and the only thing the y think he is lying so they threaten as well tell him to leave to be left alone in their own fake reality.
2. The views i in is quite similar to the Allegory of the cave on how i view my reality. MY view

Monday, March 12, 2012

Blog entry # 2

Illegal Immigrants are good but as well become bad to the economy For helping most giving opportunity to give as well jobs that what others do not want to do. Many suggest can bring an output to the economy in which i can agree which can cause an imbalance. It should be helpful to actually provide in a more legal status to give Immigrants as well providing to teach them before entering here to help keep the balance from breaking apart.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Blog # 1

As times goes on so will advertisement continue to go further on. It will always come forth bringing in new and more on anything it shall be viewed at. Produced bt rhe corporate companys to let be shown off to the world gaining more support buy the viewers. From the passage it explains of how multiple Advertisments are being shown right now no matter where a person goes. From movies, internet, etc getting bigger and more productive than before.

Being shown everywhere i can tell how annoying it can be when any of these commercial are shown. A very good example from my own expierence is when I am using my laptop going on the internet and go to youtube. An update was shown to me of a new video so then i click when loaded it not shown the video but a advertisement for


Still alive and kicking